Voices from CROSS POLLINATION / by Valerie Green

“It was dark, cold, and piercingly windy outside on January 25th, but Green Space Studios was warm, welcoming, and exploding with synergy. The CROSS POLLINATION Jam kicked off with “15 Minutes of Fame” at 7 pm. This minimalist salon presentation consisted of 15 one-minute dances by 15 different choreographers to 15 one-minute pieces. Yumi Suehiro provided live accompaniment with a toy piano.

THEN — Random creativity broke loose, as dancers, musicians, visual artists, models, and a few people with talent – and no inhibitions – improvised together or individually. A saxophone player hit some blue notes, while a percussionist kept a beat, along with the guitar and flutist. Green Space Artistic Director Valerie Green swayed around next to a dancer who sheepishly shuffled his feet. Many participants caught the scene on paper with crayons as they sat cross legged on the floor.

And on and on they went until about 10 pm, when it was time to brace the outside elements and head home.”

— Rob MacKay, Queens Economic Development Corporation

*Cross Pollination was an ongoing program from 2009-2012, resurrected for this collaborative event*

“What a lovely performance!  I truly thought this set of 15 came together quite beautifully and masterfully.  The variety and expertise of your artistry wove together perfectly for the each of the works. This was a great event to just hang out and "be".  It brought a warm feeling to the whole night, Green Space was a perfect venue for the event.

Yumi brought a lovely poetry to these 15 little pieces for Toy Piano.  On the music side we both know the trials and tribulations of getting the 15 composers and creating a set of 15.  And then to perform the live with other artists is another talent of accompaniment that isn't easily achieved. Thank you so much!”

— Rob Voisey, Vox Novous Founder and Director of Fifteen Minutes of Fame

“I just watched the video. Fantastic!!! I hadn't seen some of the dances. We all have such different styles! - Divergent points of view! The thought and work was evident. I love that each choreographer, musician, videographer put so much serious work into this. Rob as producer, Valerie as host...Could we have a better group? I think not.”

— Rachael Kosch, FOF Dance Director

“It was lovely seeing all, returning and newcomers alike. Lovely seeing everybody's dances on Yumi's incredible playing. The Jam party that followed was a lot of fun too. Thank you Valérie for hosting us in your great space. And thank you Rachael and Rob for this fun 15-minutes-of-fame initiative.”

— Virginie Mecene

“Thank you all so much for making Saturday’s show such a fun experience!  I really enjoyed seeing and hearing your wonderful talents (choreographic and musical and organizational and otherwise) - plus, what a truly collaborative spirit all-around.”

 — Kendall Rileigh

Local LIC artist Banks Clayton