Taking part in the Somatic Healing Group has been more transformational and safer than any other modality of therapy I’ve tried before. I have extensive experience with traditional talk therapy and while that’s been great for many people, it hasn’t been for me.
This group has shown me how to actively work through trauma and get to the other side, with support, kindness, and direction. Valerie herself is a highly intuitive and kind presence that makes you feel comfortable enough to dig deep.
There are many amazing parts of this group including a community of people all wanting to do “the work”. For me the biggest helpful aspect has been how safe I’ve felt. Through regular talk therapy my intellectualization of pain was heightened and actual healing got farther away. In the presence of 10+ other people in this group listening to you with kindness, I felt scared and put on the spot at first, but with Valerie’s direction, that changed to feeling held. By moving my body or acting out scenarios that held trauma within them, in a safe place with safe people, it’s like I could feel my brain rewiring. After the session I walk out into the world feeling safer and more comfortable in my body and mind. It’s elicited drastic changes for me, from how I walk and dress and talk and live my life.
Valerie told us at the beginning of this process that participants would be able to heal by holding space when other people share their stories and work through things. I wasn’t sure how that would work. But then I personally had breakthroughs and emotional releases while bearing witness to others, and then had the experience of getting support while also giving it to the person having their healing experience. I think that singular aspect has been the most healing, trauma getting triggered and breaking me down, and then through words, similar experiences, or literally being held by the others in the room, getting support and no longer feeling alone in all of this.
The space Valerie has created feels magical, it is serious, and intense work that can be very dark and scary, but somehow after every group meeting, I walk away feeling lighter and like I have more life I’m able to live. Anyone curious, I would encourage to give this form of therapy a try, it has completely changed my life.
The Next Session Is Open For Enrollment: February 25, 2025 - July 1, 2025