FTH Space Grantee, Valerie Green/Dance Entropy presents the third phase of “HOME” an international collaboration between Dance Entropy and choreographers from diverse countries. Wrapping up a residency at FTH, Indian choreographer Ashley Lobo approaches the idea of home as a going back to the self on VG/DE company members. The performance will also offer a collection of short repertory favorites.
SUN | FEB 16 | 1 PM | DANCE
FREE (No RSVP required)
Founded in 1998, Valerie Green/Dance Entropy believes in humanizing movement, both in Ms. Green’s critically acclaimed choreographic work and the company’s mission to plant creative seeds in communities across the world. Intersecting mortal and transcendent, sensual and sophisticated, visceral and self-aware, VG/DE invites the artist, the audience—the human—into a compelling, physical experience.
Wrapping up his residency at Flushing Town Hall, Indian choreographer Ashley Lobo is the Founder and Artistic Director of The Danceworx Academy and Navdhara India Dance Theatre. His career in performing arts comprises of over 32 years of performing, choreographing, and teaching—both in Indian and internationally. Ashley has developed Prana Paint™, a unique sensitizing approach that explores movement through yoga, breath, connectivity, and touch.
“Home” is an international collaboration with choreographers from Sweden, India, Uganda, Columbia and Lebanon. Each examines the concept of home from their unique perspective, drawing upon the significance of this concept in their home country, as well as factors including culture, upbringing, economics, politics, and personal identity. Each choreographer creates a section of this work that will later be mixed together by Artistic Director Valerie Green, and integrated into one cohesive evening-length dance that will also reflect her own community and dancers’ perspectives on home. Each collaboration phase will have the opportunity to show progression before the final performance.
For Ashley, the third phase of “HOME” is the idea of going back to the self, “if you are one with you,” he says, “then you are at home wherever you are.” This idea that one must find home first and foremost in oneself before finding it anywhere else, that wherever one goes, they are ultimately home.
“Amid Mystery And Ritual, More Organic Than Elegant, The Work Recalls Aspects Of Many Cultures.”— Julinda Lewis, Richmond Times Dispatch
Audiences members will not only get a glimpse of “Home” but will see short works: Titanic.Sl and Right Now by VG/DE. Titanic is a short dance/theater work based on a story of the great ship Titanic, inspired by and dedicated to boat number 15. Right Now exposes a window into the performers being as she experiences the immediacy of different emotions.
“Flushing Town Hall is known for our engaging, global arts programming, and on February 16, this performance will be a beautiful glimpse of the collaboration of global diversity and unity. Valerie Green/Dance Entropy’s “Home” is free to the public. There will be a Q&A discussion following the performance, between artists and the audience.
HOME is supported, in part, by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.
This presentation is free and open to the public. For more information: http://www.flushingtownhall.org/event/672dcd76108a8e357631b50aed8b0428